Latest News
CIS Seminole update v1.0.2
Update for the CIS Piper Seminole v1.0.2 is available now!
CIS Seneca II update v 1.1.0
CIS Seneca II for Xplane 12 update to version 1.1.0 is now available.
TDS GTNXi750 for the CIS Aircraft Series
Announcing the integration of the GTNXi750 from TDS Simulations with our fleet.
CIS Seneca News
CIS Seneca News December 15, 2024 After the release of the CIS Piper Seminole, we are going back to continue the updates and improvements of the CIS Seneca II. We are now pleased to announce that the avionics suite from…
SkunkCrafts Updater
SkunkCrafts Updater Jetstream FS adopts the SkunkCrafts Updater app to keep the Jetstream fleet current. Starting with the CIS Seneca II, we choose the SkunkCrafts updater app as the main tool to keep our customers current with the latest updates…